Redox for Recovery

ASEA Independent Associate
ASEA Redox Supplement: A Breakthrough in Cell Signaling for Health

What is Redox?

ASEA Redox is:

  • The first and only source of balanced, stabilized Redox Signaling molecules available outside the body.
  • Supports the vital activity of cellular communication.
  • Boosts efficiency of the body’s own antioxidants by up to 500%.
  • Supported by research and clinical results.
  • Completely native to the body.
  • Proven to be completely safe, with zero toxicity.

ASEA Redox is not a medication, it is a dietary supplement of molecules your body makes and already knows how to use.  Our bodies just make less of them as we age or are exposed to challenges. The role of these molecules in the body are to promote the repair and replacement of unhealthy cells through communication.  Cells make up all the tissues and systems in the body.  Consistent use over a period of at least 3 months is needed for most people to notice the internal changes that start taking place immediately.

These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

ASEA Global - The Only Source of Redox Signaling Supplement

ASEA Global is the only company that offers a balanced mixture of Redox Signaling Molecules as a dietary supplement.  ASEA Redox, activates the body’s own native ability to enhance health at the genetic level, and positively impacts the cellular health of every system of the body. 


ASEA and RENU 28 are unlike anything else you’ve ever used. Both products utilize our patented, scientific process that delivers results at the cellular level. We invite you to learn about these ground-breaking products and how you can benefit from their use. 

Why Use Redox Molecules?


Every area of our body is made with cells.  ASEA Redox supports cell renewal and replacement.

Studies have shown the method of action is the activation of gene expression which:

  • Improves immune system health and performance
  • Supports a healthy inflammatory response
  • Helps maintain cardiovascular health and support arterial elasticity
  • Improves gut health and digestive enzyme production
  • Modulates hormone balance to support vitality, wellness and performance

Athletic Performance

ASEA Athletes are able to make groundbreaking achievements with these groundbreaking Products.  They include Olympic gold medalists and many worldwide record holders in competitive sports including swimming, running, cycling and powerlifting. 

Each of these athletes has joined the ASEA Athletes team to demonstrate the positive impact ASEA’s cellular health supplement has had on their healthy, active lifestyles. These athletes use the ASEA Redox Supplement to enhance their physical performance, increasing their endurance and recovery times and allowing them to achieve new levels of success in their careers. 

Aging Well

The natural production of redox  signaling molecules in our body slowly decreases about 1% a year.  By supplementing with molecules your body already knows how to use, you can reverse that decline and restore cellular health. 

As we live longer in this modern age, focus is changing to also consider our “health span”.  This is about our quality of life during these extra years.

Use ASEA Redox drink to support from the Inside Out, and the Renu28 gel to renew cells from the Outside In.

Apply the Redox Serum on areas that need extra support.  Together, the ASEA line of products support vibrant health. 

Buy Now!

The only way to know how you can benefit from the ASEA line of products is to consistently use them for a minimum of 3 months.   Buy monthly on a friendly subscription plan as a Preferred Customer to purchase at Wholesale price.  Rest assured that your purchase comes with a 30 day money back guarantee.

ASEA Global serves over 33 countries world wide.  Use this link to order product for your country and language.

For information on managing your account such placing additional orders, changing subscriptions, go to this page.


ASEA offers groundbreaking products which most people have not yet heard about.  It is important that you can get your questions answered so you can see what the products can do for you.

Please drop us a line with your questions.