Redox for Recovery

ASEA Independent Associate

What are Redox Signaling Molecules and Why Should I Care?

by Diana Pederson
September 28, 2022

It Started with Antioxidants

We have all heard of antioxidants.  These are the popular category of dietary supplements that helps us fight off those nasty free radicals that threaten to tear down the health of our cells.  Many vitamins act as antioxidants, such as vitamin C and E.  However, there is such as thing as taking too many antioxidants because they can disrupt the balance in our cells.  Be sure to read the label as to how much is the right amount to take.

Then comes along new research which is showing something that is even better.  It is big.  How big?  So much so that in 1998 the researchers were awarded a Nobel Prize in “Physiology or Medicine”.  Since then, this area of study has earned 5 more Nobel Prizes, which is a first.  What is this breakthrough?  That redox signaling molecules are an important part in the health of the cell by being part of the regulatory (management) process. 

Food antioxidants

What Are Redox Signaling Molecules?

Well, technically they are little ions (positively and negatively charged molecules) of parts of salt and water leftover from the cell making its energy molecules (ATP).  For the longest time, scientists thought they were waste products.  Then the discoveries showed that these turn out to be how the cell communicates in order to restore and maintain its health.  How do they do that?

How Do They Work?

The gel inside of every cell is a gradient of many chemicals.  Molecules bumping into other molecules.  Because redox signaling molecules are really reactive (like to get up close and personal with other molecules to make intimate chemical exchanges – whoohoo!) they “inform” the decision maker in the cell (the nucleus) which DNA (instructions) are needed to rebalance the cell (achieve homeostasis).  This may be that a nutrient is needed, a repair is required, or for the cell to replace itself with a new, healthy cell.  These allow our cells to make better use of the nutrients we eat, because the cell knows it needs to go out and get it.  This is an important mechanism in health, healing, and repair.

Redox signaling molecules can increase the cell’s own production of antioxidants.  One study showed up to a 500% increase in the important antioxidant glutathione with the application of redox signaling molecules.

Why Supplement?

If the body makes them, then why supplement?  As it turns out, after puberty, our body starts to make less of these molecules.  We’re not sure why, but it is about 1% per year.  This explains part of our aging process.  But unlike antioxidants, there has not been an easy way to supplement with redox signaling molecules because in the wild they only last for fractions of a second.  Until recently that is.  It turns out a little company called ASEA Global in Salt Lake City, Utah, figured out a way to make these molecules to be stable (behave and stop making reactions with each other) long enough to put them in a bottle and so they can be taken as a supplement.  The amount and proportion of the molecules are in the same format our cells make, so the cell knows exactly what to do with them.  Antioxidants are usually from plant sources, so they need to be digested and converted into pieces the body can use.  Redox signaling molecules, on the other hand, need no conversion at all and are tiny enough to be absorbed directly into the cells.


It turns out that supplementing with these little guys helps with a lot of things, because they are using the body’s normal regulatory (management) processes.  For example, it helps with restoring a normal inflammation response, among quite a number of other areas.  How many areas?  Anything that relates to cells in the body, which is everything. 



ASEA Redox Supplement

The Case of the Ingredients List

The fact that they can make any difference pretty much blew my mind.  Especially because these are made from salt and water, which seems rather improbable for being helpful.  However the cell makes these from salt and water also.  It took me quite a while to understand why this was possible, and that supplementing with redox signaling molecules could actually makes a difference in health and recovery. 


How can ASEA make redox signaling molecules from salt and water?  By adding energy.  Just as loaf of bread has an ingredients list, but becomes bread by adding energy which in that case is to bake it.  ASEA adds energy using electrolysis to break apart the salt and water molecules and rearrange the bits until they are redox signaling molecules.  They use an FDA registered facility, trade secrets, patents, custom made equipment, and several days to accomplish this. 

Results and Lifestyle

I was already pretty healthy, but supplementing with these molecules were able to help me make positive changes in areas I was stuck before.  I have also personally met and heard from dozens whose life has been transformed by using this supplement.  It is definitely worth a look.

And as if the benefits themselves are not amazing enough, the supplement is 100% non-toxic.  This means that it can’t hurt you.   Remember that it is possible to take too many antioxidants.  Not the case with this supplement.  This is not a “nutrient”, it is the trigger mechanism so you can better use your nutrients, and for the cell to communicate to the body what it needs to be healthy.  It is a paradigm shift (different way of looking at something).

All supplements are part of a whole in regards to their role in health.  A healthy lifestyle is still important – this means eating a balanced, nutritious diet; getting regular exercise and enough sleep; drinking plenty of water, and minimizing harmful toxins an pathogens (bacteria, etc) in your environment.






So Why Should You Care About Redox Signaling Molecules?

First, it is good to be informed.  If you know about antioxidants, you should know about redox signaling molecules.  Scientific associations, university departments, textbooks, and medical conferences, are being refocused and renamed from antioxidant to redox signaling molecules.  This is the new trend.  It is big.  You may not have heard about it before, but now you have.  Soon everyone will have heard about it.  Be the one in the know!

If you are an athlete, then these molecules are worth leveraging.  World class athletes using this supplement to improve their endurance, workout recovery, and repair from injuries.

If you are healthy and care about maintaining health, then low level supplementing can offset the long-term decline in what our cells make.  This contributes to having a better quality of health and life as long as possible.  If I am going to live to 100, I want to be able to enjoy life and be active for as much of that time as possible.  This is my investment in me because I have things to do and places to see!

If you are looking for a solution for a health challenge, ASEA Redox Supplement is a critical piece of the puzzle which no other product on the planet yet provides.  I suggest to Contact Us to discuss what you are looking for so you can get a recommendation on which products to consider.

Founded in 2010, ASEA Global is a stable, successful, debt-free company, now shipping to over 33 countries worldwide and still growing.  In 2022 it added 7 more quality products to its offering.

For more information on ASEA Redox Supplement, click here, or drop us a line on our Contact Us page with your questions.  We look forward to talking with you!