Redox for Recovery

ASEA Independent Associate

What Makes a Healthy Cell?

The body is an amazing machine that builds, works, and repairs for us.  It changes to try to keep up what we ask of it, keeping all the necessary parts in balance.  And when there comes a time when we, or life, have asked too much, that is when we tend to notice problems because it is unable to keep up.

Cell Under Microscope
Photo by Fayette Reynolds

Cells are the functional building block that makes all parts of the body.  There are many types of cells, each with a different job, but they are built in a similar way.  There are a few basic things that cells need to be healthy and happy.

I have simplified them in this way:

  1. Nutrition and Oxygen (Input)– These are the chemical building blocks. There are at least 80 chemicals necessary for the basics of life.  All body functions are built from chemical reactions.  If a chemical component is missing, the body may not be able to complete the actions that require it.  That is why eating a variety of good foods is important to health.
  2. Waste Removal (Output) – For everything that comes into the body, the used-up parts needs to leave the body. If waste start stacking up, it can block incoming nutrients, and other necessary activities.  A clean cell is a happy cell.
  3. Transportation – There are trillions of cells in the body, all tightly packed together. We have blood vessels that bring nutrients and remove waste. There are both big and very small vessels, and there is also liquid between each cell that serves everyone.  In order for these to work, there needs to be enough moving liquid in the body.  The key to that is to drink enough water, plus movement.  The heart, as well as regular exercise, keeps all of this moving.  If there is not enough transportation, then there are cells that are not getting enough nutrition or waste removal – which means they will become sick over time.
  4. Repair – Both at the body and cell level, there are ways each part notices problems and takes action to fix them. If a cell is too broken or old to be fixed, then it dies off and tells the healthy cells next to it to make a new cell.  This replacement process is a normal part of life.
  5. Communication – Because there are so many parts to the body, there are a number of ways to keep everyone working together. The brain is key to coordinating the body.  At the cell level, redox signaling molecules are used.  These molecules are “left over” when the cell makes energy molecules.  Redox signaling molecules use the same atoms that also make salt and water.  These signaling molecules react to the state of the cell in ways that ask the nucleus, which is the “brain” of the cell, to send out messages (copies of parts of our DNA) to get whatever the cell needs.  If the cell doesn’t ask, it won’t get what it needs, and it will become sick.

So, what makes a health cell that you have control over?  Good nutrition, plenty of water, enough dietary fiber to support waste removal, and exercise.

The cell takes care of repair and communication when everything is working well.  If there has been an injury, illness, or the body slowing down from age, the work for the cells may become backed up.  Then the normal processes are not enough to fix the issue.  Then it can make sense to supplement with extra nutrition, such as vitamins, and with redox signaling molecules.  ASEA Global is the only company in the world at this time which provides a supplement of redox signaling molecules.

Now you know!


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