Redox for Recovery

ASEA Independent Associate

Cell Performance Drinks: Get Energy that Feeds Your Cells

Cell Performance Drinks

ASEA Global just launched this month a set of drink products that come in a powder form which I am really excited about.  At the product roll out, we got to hear about the detailed formulation process which I will talk about in a later post because that really impressed me.  These are carefully selected ingredients to support your cells to perform better.  When your cells are happy, your body is happy.  When your body is happy, you can be happy.

So, are you ready to hear about them?

Redox Energy is intended to address fatigue.  It gives a smooth increase in energy that lasts, without the harsh up, then down that you can get with many other energy drinks.  It contains “less caffeine than a cup of coffee”.

Redox Mind is formulated to address brain fog.  For me, this is a focus and get stuff done drink and is my current favorite.   One of the early uses tried this as his workout drink and started beating many of his prior workout bests. 

Redox Mood aims at addressing anxiety and overwhelm.  If you are having a stressful day, it will take the edge off and still allow you to be sharp and functional.  Several commented that it helps them with sleep too. 

I have tried them all – they are delicious!  They taste like fruit punch and each one is a different flavor.   Besides that, they are only 5 calories because they are sweetened with stevia.  I appreciate that because I prefer to limit my sugar intake, so this was an additional plus for me.

They come in a handy little “stick” pack that you can easily tear the top off and pour into water.  It dissolves easily, which is something is great.  I have used many too many other drink mixes that stick to the glass and the back of the spoon, which is frustrating, and this is not one of those.  You can mix these with whatever you want, including to combine them together.  They say to mix one stick pack into 8-12 ounces of water. I prefer to either split one in half and drink each half in 8 oz of water at a time, or pour the full stick into my liter water bottle and sip over 2 hours.  For me, there is plenty of flavor which allows me to extend my enjoyment by using more water.  I don’t see why anyone would want to mix it into other things, but a friend reminded me that he likes to eat smoothies for breakfast, so it was easier for him to include the powder with that.  Makes sense.  I know someone else who likes to drink these with hot water like a tea.  That’s flexible.   I can’t think of any other energy drink I could do all that with.

I love that I can get help with energy, focus, or calm and still be kind to my body.  

So which one do you want to try first?

Check out the Product page for order information.
