Redox for Recovery

ASEA Independent Associate

Welcome to the Redox Blog

Hello! I am Diana Pederson. My background is in management and project management in the software and health industry. More recently I am also an entrepreneur. I am passionate about health, healthcare, science, and technology, and a bunch of creative arts. (Gotta keep both sides of my brain happy!)

It was relatively recent that I heard about redox signaling molecules. These little chemical “critters” do a lot of fascinating things in the body for us. What is interesting is that these molecules were originally considered a waste product of energy production (converting food we eat into chemicals that our muscles use).

Once I got my brain around what they can do for people, I have absorbed this subject into my list of Favorite Things! My goal with this blog is to share information in this area that is easy to understand, and to answer questions you may have. I look forward to hearing from you!
